The Candles’ Curse

A flickering candle lit the corner of a room,
It warmed the only part -of the dark hidden tomb.
None came to visit, none able to leave
A bewitching curse, driven most captive to grieve.

This flickering candle danced in the dark,
It sung out in whispers -to lovers apart;
Drawing them in -to the curse of the room,
Enticing their sorrows, as they slip to their doom.

This candle which flickers, grins and it boasts
Raises its shadow -till it’s all but a ghost
-Taunts both the lovers, puts fear in their hearts,
Chains them eternally -till death do apart.

This candle (which flickers) leaves tender sweet trails,
Entices the lovers -to calm and set sail.
A journey to dark (as stories depicted)
Of man and of woman and being restricted.

This flickering candle, sets a death vow
Confines both our lovers -a field they can’t plough;
Opens the tomb -beckons them in,
They replace it’s remains -with sinister gains.

This flickering candle, it’s wick nearly burnt,
Blaze last inferno -until it just weren’t;
Lovers embalmed, the curse -but a rhyme,
The candle (now out) -until next time.

~ Copyright ©yikici. 2013

*Image sourced from flickr.